Modeling of Citizen Claims Processing by Means of Queuing System

Oleksandr Markovets, Andriy Peleschychyn


This article considers the work of the system “Electronic Reception†as the queuing system. An overview the structure of the system “Electronic Reception†as a chart is given. The initial descriptions for the queuing system are formed. Also scheme simulation model of “Electronic Reception†is represented and found probabilities of states of the system using the application of queuing theory. Context diagram of process of queuing system “Electronic Reception†is designed. Data flow diagrams of the first level of the queuing system “Electronic Reception†and data flow diagram of the subsystem “Analysis of claim†which detailed the context diagram of process of queuing system “Electronic Reception†is designed. A simulation model of single-channel service system “Electronic receiver†is realized. The initial output characteristics of a service system “Electronic Reception†and the parameters of the simulation model are formed. The state probabilities of the service system are found. For a description of the mathematical model queuing system “Electronic Reception†use data that were obtained in one of the experiments.


Queuing system; Simulation model; States marginal probability; Consolidation; Electronic Reception; System.

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